Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Flyering this weekend!

I will be flyering and collecting signatures with my dog at Atlantic Antic this Sunday. If any of you are interested in joining me, drop me a line! (andiattack at gmail.com)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Dog Park Manners

Dog Park Manners

An expert says at a minimum dog park users should pick up dog waste, "have a reasonable recall on [their] dog, and be respectful of people's feelings." If your dog tends to display dog-dog aggression or plays more roughly than other owners like, closely monitor your dog and keep him under control.

"Additional dog-park etiquette rules include:

• "Unleash your dog. A leashed dog may feel threatened by others moving freely.

• "Keep moving. If you stand in one place, your dog may be more apt to become territorial.

• "Never leave your dog unattended, and don't use a dog park as a drop-off daycare...

• "Make sure your dog has updated vaccinations.

• "Leave your puppies at home until they're fully vaccinated and physically up to the sometimes rough-and-tumble play. Initial socialization for puppies is often better coming from a puppy training class.

• "Wait until your female dog is out of season...

• "Use caution with toys. Some dogs can be very possessive of their toys; others will want to steal everyone else's toys... it's usually a good idea to leave the toys at home...

• "Be careful with children. Not all dogs do well with children, and many dogs will bowl young kids over. If you take your children with you, supervise them closely.

• "[Do] not take more dogs with you than you can control; which for most people is a maximum of three [if they are] well-trained, responsive dogs.

• "Don't let your dog dig in the park. It can cause a hazard to other dogs.

• "Leave the wildlife alone... for both the wildlife's and your dog's safety.

"Relax. The dogs usually figure things out pretty quickly and have a good time. Be watchful and considerate, but stay positive -- your tension communicates itself to your dog"

From the Takeyourpet.com newsletter:

Monday, September 3, 2007

Fundraising meeting

Hi everyone - we are having a fundraising meeting tomorrow, Tuesday the 4th, at 7 PM in the neighborhood. If you are interested in coming to plan the fundraiser, email me and I will give you the address.

