Saturday, September 8, 2012

Still Waiting for Dog Park Renovation Start Date

Since we recently repaired and rehung our bulletin board at the dog park we've been hearing from more of you who saw our blog and email address posted on it. Some are asking about the status of our renovation. It's still in the works, but progress is slow. Since we made our recommendations to Community Board 6 and Parks back in January we have been waiting for news of a start date. Every few weeks we check in with the Dept of Parks and Recreation. We don't yet have a date on when the renovation will begin, but we were told that projects often take two years in design and then construction. 

The good news is that we WILL get a major renovation and the funding from our City  Councilmember Brad Lander and Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz is in place. 

Here's the plan, in case you missed the news last year:

- new surface of crushed granite (like Tompkin's Square Park and others) with a drainage layer underneath
- an expansion, adding a separate small dog run in the adjacent vacant lot 
- new lighting
- new benches
- new water fountains

If you would like to get involved with planning events for the dog park, get in touch with us! We need your help to keep this group going!


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