Friday, March 30, 2007

re-surfacing material.

Hi all,

I just came across this posting at Hillside Dog Run:

As part of the Hillside project that's going on right now with Parks,
they as supposed to be installing cribbing around the park to prevent
woodchips from falling into the street.

The crushed granite, or decomposed granite (DG) is soft and might be a
good solution for the small dog area. The issue I've seen (or more
accurately, smelled) with DG is that runs that have DG tend to smell
very bad in the summertime. The DG doesn't seem to handle urine well.
Woodchips seem to be a better and more natural deoderizer. Also, the
woodchips decompose into soil and are replaced. That doesn't happen
with the DG.

Also, DG is VERY expensive. There are few suppliers on the East Coast.
Garret from Thompkins Sq dog park has identified a supplier of DG in
North Carolina. The real expense come with shipping the DG--very
pricey. However, I think that's what they are doing at Thompkins. I'll
ask if it would be possible to piggyback off their shipment.

A reminder for those interested to participate in the small dog run
surface poll in the "Polls" section to the left. At this point we've
only had 10 people participating and it's an even split right now.

This was in reference to some requests to consider a different surface for the small dog portion of the main run ( it aapears to be small wood chips at the moment) Just something to consider.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for finding that article. I guess there are pros and cons to everything. It seems as soon as we get excited about one surface, another one seems better. NYCdog seems to strongly endorse the DG and they have done a ton of research. I think we can all agree that wood chips smell nice, are nice to look at, cheap or free, and nice on the paws. But it seems that DG is a better idea for the long term according to the research we have.
